There is a proverb: cleanliness is next to Godliness. And in a well-nurtured, well-nourished and well-maintained body, perhaps Godliness (in other words, a life lived consciously and to its optimum) is indeed possible. If we respect this body of ours, and treat it as we would a temple, I think we stand a chance of healing and thereby preventing some massive suffering in our society.
In so doing we may experience God as more than a label, more than a G-word, but more as well-being, positivity, wholeness, health, joy and love in our sometimes mundane, sometime difficult but always glorious lives. We may reach the full potential that Joseph Chilton Pearce sensed was possible. Homo spiritus!
As a feisty and determined friend of mine (in advocating for her young daughter's well-being) said to me recently as she set out to challenge the system, "Knowledge is power."
We just need to have the courage, like her, to step up and use it.
***If sugar/carbohydrates are the problem, then is it not reasonable to suppose that the buns and not the meat patties are the culprits? Not to speak of the fries, the sugary condiments and the toxic oil in which the burgers and fries are cooked?