Not everyone can afford to consult a functional medicine practitioner or nutritionist. But there are umpteen generous and qualified professionals who are currently, via book, blog, video, lecture and interview, seeking to help us reverse some of the devastating illnesses and effects our food and health choices have led to.
It seems that, with their help and in utilising our own good common sense, we are now being given the chance to at least explore a very necessary and urgent remedial path.
These are all passionate and compassionate people, very awake to the commercial priorities powering parts of the science community, not to speak of the food and pharmaceutical industries. They are rightfully and fiercely concerned and are working hard to bring true health back into focus.
Here are links to some of them:
Dr Dale Bredesen
Dr Ken Berry
Dr Robert Cywes
Ivor Cummins (The Fat Emperor)
Amy Berger
Dr Eric Berg
Dr Sten Ekberg
Another, Dr David Unwin ( has produced a series of charts showing the truly astonishing 'teaspoon' sugar equivalent of blood sugar produced by carbohydrates. One is shown below. Dr Unwin is successfully reversing Type 2 diabetes in his patients.
Dr Steve James ( (he who made Health Secretary Sajid Javid's visit to King's College Hospital in January 2022 a little bit sparkier) is building an on-line community called 'Health Awakening'. This aims for "self-empowered health rather than dependency on big healthcare, big food or big pharma".
Is B12 deficiency Driving Cognitive Decline and Mental Illness?
For mental issues reversible through diet:
Dr Chris Palmer
Georgia Ede MD
Nicole Laurent, LMHC
The Magic Pill ... a documentary. Here is the trailer.
Here is the full documentary.
In this film one can see, among other transformations, a non-verbal autistic child start to talk and smile after her parents changed her diet!
It is beautiful to observe.